Captain Michael Dodd

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One of the best things a new boater can do to learn about boats and boating is to join BoatUS. See and become a basic member for only $25.

Boating Magazines:
There are too many boating magazines to list here, but two of my favorites are:

  • Boating
  • Southern Boating

Books on Boating:
There is a vast library of books about every conceivable concept of boating. I will suggest a few of my favorites. The first two on the list are educational and published by the Department of Homeland Security. They become more important as you spend more time on the water.

  1. US Aids to Navigation
  2. Navigation Rules and Regulations Handbook
  3. Sailing Made Easy
  4. Power Boating for Dummies
  5. Sailboat Electronics Simplified (also good for power boaters)
  6. Getting Started in Powerboating
  7. How to Read a Nautical Chart
  8. Origins of Sea Terms
  9. Seamanship Secrets (this is one of my favorites)
  10. Chapman’s Piloting and Seamanship (this is the encyclopedia for boaters and is not necessary for beginners)
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